Saturday, February 21, 2009

It's been awhile

As usual- I've been a neglectful blogger... but I think I just care to do it for myself at this point which makes me feel far less guilty about being so random. I know when I post... and I know what's going on in my But I do need to write.

Job: I really love what I do. In fact, I am so excited by it. The only problem is that because I work alone, I have limited opportunity to grow and develop my skills. I can do what I already know to do, and that isn't really all that spectacular. Maybe I should just start calling my former professors and internship supervisors. They are always telling me to keep in touch. You know what? I just typed out my solution...See this is why I gotta

Solo living: I already got a noise complaint for loud music. Funny thing is, I'm barely ever home, and when I am here, I'm asleep. I had to call the office cause it was straight BULLSHIT! I play my music when I clean; which is in the middle of the fuckin day... Why oh why is that an issue? And then I was also accused of having lots of guests that take up all the parking. This is, I just moved here. I know like 5 people and truthfully, I go to their homes. I'm a picky about who comes here.

Friends: The only ones I've made down here all want to sleep with me. Not entirely a surprise when all I do is hang out with men, but I'm a bit overwhelmed by all the sexual attention without having a person who is normal in my life. My one good friend lives about an hour south of me, which isn't too serious; but I'm a driving therapist so I put a great deal of miles on my car on a daily basis. Hence, the lack of motivation to drive for my weekend activities. This week, I am spending some quality time with myself which is much needed. But overall, I need to figure out how to make female friends without seeming like a creepy lesbian (since I would only really meet females to go out with when I go out- which I would be doing alone)... The complicatedness of makin friends in a new city.

Sex: Gonna be a problem pretty soon here. But for now... I'm still in tact.

Love: I got nothin on the horizon... but I got the love of my parents and fam so I feel blessed.

Drama: Ch.ris Br.own and R.ihanna... that's all I've got to say about drama.

Alright, I'm gonna go be productive. Have a lovely Saturday!