Sunday, September 7, 2008

Deep Thought

So I've been thinking.... and thinking... and thinking....
I'll let you know what the result of all of that thought reveals to me when i piece it all together....


who? said...

Des, i gotta let you know that you have the most astonishing lips ever... your lips are to me, what my lips are to every other woman... marvelous

The Second Sixty-Eight said...

Um... Yeah.

And those do seem to be a glorious set of coolers there!

(vixenchick) said...

think great thoughts, lol

dejanae said...

lol@canon and 2nd 68
be safe over there hon
im waiting on the thoughts

i.can't.complain. said...

missed u, D

still miss u, actually.


Jazzy said...

well don't hurt yourself thinking too hard! lol...i kid.

hope you and the fam make it OK thru the storm.

dessex said...

take you time....

Rashan Jamal said...

Whatchu thinking bout, Ma? You really look like you thinking too!

Muze said...

me too girl, me too.

Adei von K said...


I love the pondering pic!

i think we're all in this quarter life crisis together. i know i'm angrier than a futhermucker lately and i feel stagnant/trapped.

One Man’s Opinion said...

It's good to think. Just don't hurt yourself. Love the Man.

kit von b. said...

awww des. i'm sure the revelation will be worthwhile.


1/3 said...

Still thinking huh? I hope you are getting the clarity you need...

Jameil said...

dang it! diva stole the words! i hope you're not posting b/c you're still thinking and not b/c you hurt yourself. lolol

Bombchell said...

cool let us know, jst dont forget =)

Don said...

Take your time.

Eb the Celeb said...

girl I thought about you when I saw that story of that white chick auctioning off her virginity... last I heard it was to 1/2 million... now if it was a black chick she would be all kinds of hoes and sluts and whatnot... and this chick is getting national exposure and people making excuses for her being a way to pay off debt... funny how life works though because a part of me is wishing I still had mine and why the hell didn't I think of that.