Wednesday, September 24, 2008

3 dates in 5 days

Never in my life have I ever been out with 'someone of interest' that many times in such a short time frame. In fact, I don't even know if I've ever been on more than one date type scenario with anyone. Hold on....lemme think.....

No. I haven't.

Now, I don't know if I would necessarily claim these 'dates' as dates. Here's why.

Date 1: Thursday night he invited me to his birthday dinner (happening on Friday). I felt like that was a bit major for a first time get together, but I really wanted to see him after having such great conversations, so I agreed. I would estimate there were about 20 or so people in the room of the restaurant reserved for his birthday. I brought a friend along (for approval and support). It was really a great time and he was so charming. We didn't really get to converse or anything, but it was nice seeing him and getting a feel for his friends gave me an AWESOME view of the man. (PS. My friend THOROUGHLY approved of him, stating 'monsieur ca...bien compe!' ~ translation: that man there... great looking!)

He called me later on in the evening (I had to leave early to go to another birthday event~ I was invited to 4 events for birthdays on Friday... it was ridiculous... but I agreed to the first two requests and told the other two I was busy). We talked a bit about the rest of his evening and the rest of mine and I asked what he was up to the next day, and if he thought we might hang out (yes, I'm forward- I know). He invited me to hang out with he and his friends to watch football and then grab a bite to eat afterwards (tentative plans).

Date 2: Saturday day, got no calls til around 6:30pm.... from a friend who I was surprised to hear from. She invited me over for a few hours. On my way there, he called me and said his day ran long and he wondered if grabbing a movie would be ok. I said after I hung out with my friend, I didn't mind. He called back 30min later saying that his brother needed his car and that he wanted to raincheck. I really wanted to see him, so I suggested that I pick him up. Didn't really fly with him, but after giving him the choice between seeing me or not seeing me, he swallowed his pride and said he looked forward to catching the movie with me. Overall, he was a COMPLETE gentleman, making me laugh and telling me how much he liked me and just being a wonderful person the whole way through.

Date 3: Sunday night, another invitation; this time to a prayer session on Monday. (Did I mention he was a ride or die man of God?). It was the most unique prayer session I've ever been to because he actually cracks jokes with God too and his prayers had me dying. Of course we had moments of sincerity, but he was just as hilarious and honest and open with God as he is with everyone around him. Afterwards, he invited me to grab a bite and we just talked and talked for about 3 hours.

Yesterday was the first day that has gone by since last Thursday that I didn't hear from him, but he called today to explain the reason. He's definitely not just 'another guy' and my excitement over that makes me think too much. I'm trying to hold it in and keep myself in check, but with talks from him about being nervous that his mom might scare me away or conversations with my father (who I NEVER talk to about men) who tells me he knows the guy's dad since '92; my mind has run away from me a few times.

Alright... I've documented my lyfe, so now I'm off to read up on yours...


Rashan Jamal said...

YEEEEAHHHH!!!!! That's what I'm talking about!!!

Desy said...

rah, you are so supportive... you da besssssssst (as stace's dad

Darius T. Williams said...

LOL - a prayer session. HILARIOUS!

Jazzy said...

I'm excited for and him need to have a REAL date though...those were hang out sessions.

Real date = getting dressed up...just the two of you...going to an event/ on one time to really get to know each other. Maybe even some smooching *wiggling my eyebrows*

1/3 said...

oh wow he sounds awesome desy!!!! I like that hes really trying to get to know you. he's already taking you to his everyday life things. Maybe he's trying to make room for someone special:-) so happy for you!!!!!!:-)

dessex said...

BIG PIMPIN lol. Soulds like cupid is in the air lol

i.can't.complain. said...

"someone of interest" ey?

how do i go about getting one of those


Queen of My Castle said...

Diva's wiggling eyebrows was just too cute.

This is such an awwwwwwwww-worthy post. I'm happy for you!!!!!

His love for God is a plus, and the fact that he doesn't hide it is a MAY-JUH plus!!!!

olusimeon said...

reli hapi for you....reli good thing he's a God lover...makes your decision easier in my opinion..all d best

Desy said...

@darius- actually it was

@diva- still no date in the classic sense... but we are still getting to know each other daily (5/7 so far)

@1/3-thanks hun

@dess- Pimpin aint easy...but its so much

@i cant- i'm still trynna figure out how i did it myself...lmao

@queen- you said it my dear... he is wonderful

@sim- absolutely... thanks so much for the support

. said...

first off...YESSS they constitutes as dates.
2nd...i am so happy for you.
3rd. there is nothing like an assertive and forward woman. especially when she is past all of that "who's going to ask who" bullshit. yes it is nice to be courted, but sometime i feel women get so caught up in that, that some great partnerships are missed.


this sounds so promising. i look forward to hearing more about this relationship as it progresses.