Monday, August 18, 2008

So here's the thing...

So I was sent an email.
Apparently, there is a contest that he feels I should submit for.
The E.ssence Short Story Contest.
First prize? $1,000 and being published in one of their issues.
Here's the thing...
I've never finished any of the stories that I've written
Actually, most of them were created in this space (the blog world)
Never to be more than just a moment in time when my mind flowed easily
But when I revisit those works, it is challenging to continue its initial energy.
A suggestion from a friend:
Start something new.
I know I should.
But damn... I'm feeling so
My cousin has been here for the last week and a half or so.
It's the first time I've ever met him.
I'm going to admit- HE'S GETTING ON MY NERVES!
Ok, I said it.
Now I will cast it aside and be a good host...riiiight.
I'll post on him and give you the full scoop when his visit has ended
I went from missing kisses to going nuts.
Too many in too short of a time frame.
I'm actually starting to become irritated with the experience.
(Not the actual kissing, but the men behind them).
Maybe I need to go back to my drought and just enjoy the friendships.
Cause this shyt is honestly getting old.
Wow, really?
Did I really have such a weekend?
It was great.
Hung out with family (Happy Birthday to my Sis in Law!)
Hung out with friends (Love you Lala!)
Hung out with coworkers (Congrats on the new baby!)
And now I'm watching the Olympics (all about that track and field)
Have a great first day of school Roxy and Stace!
Don't let those kids run you to the


dessex said...

you are so great with the short stories I think you should do never know what could come out of it.

Unknown said...

go for the gusto... write your little heart out... I believe in you des... and... you know your cousin is the coolest cat in town... stop hating just because he be getting more play at the bar than you lol sike naw

soumynona said...

Fam can drive you wild, what I learned is that when you make them uncomfortable they leave faster (walk around in the nude or cratch incessantly)
You should enter the contest, you'd win something =>

Please explain missing kisses to going nuts? That has so many meanings you know =>

swag_ambassador said...

I say enter it.. I kno some stories you could enter .. shoooot

Rashan Jamal said...

Go ahead and enter it! Nothing ventured nothing gained! Exactly how many dudes are you kissing? LOL

1/3 said...

men? kissing who? my my lol

Im glad you had a great weekend! i Know we already talked about it but sent the essay! I have a good feeling about it..

Jameil said...

booo for folk gettin on your nerves. yay for fun!! wheee!!

Don said...

hahahaha @ the first time you met your cousin and him getting on your nerves. look here, i feel you.

i think you should place that talented energy into the contest, especially you.

dejanae said...

girl go on and do it
u know u got the chops
wats the cuz doing?lol

. said...

i am glad that your friend recommended the contest to you i truly believe in your talent and i figure i will be seeing your name in print quite soon.