Saturday, September 27, 2008



But I gotta keep on keepin on.

God willing... I'll be where I can feel passionate and grow stronger in adult rehabilitation care.

Happy weekend!


1/3 said...

LOL I soooo feel. This job search is the worst!! I know you will find something soon. Hope you have a great weekend as well!!

i.can't.complain. said...

happy job hunt


The.Stranger said...

If U ask U shall receive.Good Luck

Desy said...

@1/3- i'm think if i just do 5 to 10 applications a weekend, then maybe i won't feel so! thanks for the support dear. really appreciate it

@i can't- i'm trying to be happy... it'll take time i feel..hahaha

@stranger- and that i know... i'm working hard for it too..welcome

(vixenchick) said...

good luck boo!

Charles said...

Join the club...

I send out sooo many damn resumes, I forget who I send them out to. Crazy...

Good luck on your search.

Darius T. Williams said...

Good luck! Keep it up though.

Jameil said...

job searches make me wanna slit my wrists.

Otis said...

keep lookin...gotta be something out there

dessex said...

now its my turn to give you that extra push. days off. You got to go at it.

James Tubman said...

ive been a sole prepriotor for years

im scared of a job

nobody cuts a black man any slack anyway

i say fuck them

fuck them all

swag_ambassador said...

sounds extra familiar...

Rashan Jamal said...

Get a job, deadbeat!!! LOL

Good luck!

Jazzy said...

Good luck! It's hard out there, but I'm sur you'll find something!

. said...

can i have a membership to this club too.
i am quite spent on the entire process myself.

One Man’s Opinion said...

Come join the police department....We are always hiring and the job security is awesome. LOL

kit von b. said...

you know u got it!!!


Eb the Celeb said...

girl the market is a mutha right now... ugh... but keep the faith

Bombchell said...

best wishes babe.

flawsandall said...

hey swwets..just keep on keeping..same here..job hunting aint easy..we will find favor

Desy said...

@everyone- thank you sooo much for the support. You are the best fam EVER!