Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year to me!

So apparently it is time for me to make a New Year's Resolution. It would be great if I had some profound shyt to say about what I have discovered in myself and all the elements that I would like to change... But to be perfectly honest... I like myself just as much as I liked myself last year, thus.. My only resolution is to be better at being me... Better in school, better with friends, better at being single (I don't know how I could get better at that since I think I've mastered that skill after all these Sometimes my decision to be me sways, with alcohol, or the hot guy of the week.. because of the thought "I'm over this singledom and I must change so that my status changes"... but in the morning light when all is clear, I think 'no, I must tread forward and appreciate my untapped vessel and understand that at the end of the day, I can't be swayed by outside forces, only by what lies within'. (So deep... I think I get snaps for that

I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable New Year... Be blessed in '08!

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