Thursday, August 7, 2008

How did I get here?

I felt the pressure of his hands against my skin cells which tingled with anticipation of the experience of it all. Those hands coursed their way from my shoulder to my fingers in a kneading and needing fashion, blueprinting the pressure of his outer most extremities into the striads of my musculature. During this, he kept my gazed locked in a sitting position right next to the window exposing the ever complicated constellations of his make up. This man confused me every single day, but I couldn't free myself from being mesmerized by the beauty of each uniquely placed starlike element of his essence. My hands found a home upon his waistline and he took his thumb to draw across the line which formed my jaw, stopping at the base of my hairline and pulling me in for that solitary kiss...

When lips become fused
and thoughts become heady
Shallowed breathing erupts
While searching tongues tease
Heat rises and scents are exchanged
His breath is my breath
and he tastes like me
I bite down on his lower lip
and a moan spills into my mouth
Aggression builds
chasing after a slowly formed sexy smile
Hunger explodes exponentially
and a kiss is no longer a kiss
Because hands touch
and bodies press
and language is exchanged
through wide open pores
seeping dopamine from him to me
pushing adrenaline

How did I get here?

Fiction by Desy

More Randomness

~Ok, so I'm really tired (after a long day of nothing of course).

~I went to a brain injury meeting where my teacher was and we further discussed Denmark. He said he would email since I seem to be really sure that I want to do this (which I am at this point).

~ I went and got my passport today. I looked at the old one I had (issued 1992) and I must admit, I was a damn good looking little girl...hahahaha. But I was happy to discover the price was much lower than I'd anticipated

~Since I've been digging through my crap with this time that I have now, I found notes that classmates had passed to me from middle and high school. Don't even ask me why I keep shyt like that, but it was so good to read the five second notes that were always focused on either this boy, that boy, or how someone was mad at me for having a big mouth

~ I found my elementary report cards also... guess what the running theme was... Desy is a delightful student to have; however she needs to work more on her listening skills and following directions (aka. your daughter talks to much and needs to get that ish under control)... Even then I was a talker...hahaha

~Yeh! Roxy is back for JA and I must admit that I missed her tremendously. Nothing like having your best friend in the world back in rotation after a month of MIA ness... only to be greeted by my discussion of potentially going to Denmark... But whatever, for now that's all talk and she's here so life is good

~ My stepmom's nephew is coming tomorrow. She has never met him (he came from Haiti 3 yrs ago and we haven't traveled to Boston in the last 3 yrs). I pray to God he is 21... She's unsure and I didn't hound her about it... but he's here for 2wks and I cannot imagine what we will do together if he isn't legal...

~ I cannot believe that I have made it 24 yrs and 6months without having sex. It really astounds me sometimes. Especially when I think of all the times when I could have and didn't... I don't even know why I didn't except that I wasn't in a relationship with any of them, so it kept me from it... Maybe one day I'll do a full out analysis post on why I'm still in such pristine

*deuces up* I'm out fam...


who? said...

good write, Des... and... Denmark... word?... hope you have fun... do they speak english over there?... I don't even know where to begin to look for my old report cards... not trying to either... umm... you're astonished that you made it x amount of years... maybe that's for the best... because it feels like decades by the day when you get it... then go on a drought...

dejanae said...

ha i had that big mouth issue too
i liiike (refers to ur poetry in Borat-like voice)
stay strong and pristine.lmao
or not

Anonymous said...

do you know how long i have been waiting for some "fiction by desy"??!! lol...great job as always. and i swear i don't know how you have remained in such pristine, mint condition when you write so vividly about lust and passion!

1/3 said...

How you gonna talk about a hot n heavy make out session then switch it with randomness LOL. That peom was great tho as usual:-)

wow so you really are considering going to denmark? I know it will be a great experience.

I admire you for being in your virtous(sp) state:-) When you find the right guy you will be happy you waited.

kit von b. said...

fiction...mmmm hmmm.


Desy said...

@can- naaww, they speak dutch... but i'm sure i'll be ok with learning another language...its good to look back at what teachers used to say about you... and i'll keep the drought in mind

@dej- hahaha, t-hanks... and there are so many 'me too' s when it comes to us girl

@80- i got one in the works that is inspired by you that i haven't posted... let me know if you wanna read it

@1/3- hahaha, that's how i roll in daily life too... considering? nawww, it's decided. if i can, i'm out; lol... don't admire me... you are probably having more fun on your end..

@kb- hahaha

Queen of My Castle said...

OMG! I couldn't help but smile @ deuces up, I'm out. That is too cute coming from you.

*Raises brow at this "fiction" of yours* LOL. You art is most def the hotness, babes.

So you are seriously considering Denmark, eh? I wish you all the best.

As for you being in pristine condition...revel in it. Although sex can be the highest of highs, it can also complicate things, but I am sure you are well aware of this.

Hugs and kisses!!!!!!!


The Second Sixty-Eight said...

Wow... TRULY untested poonany!

Don said...

Hellified, the ONLY way to describe you. I like how you transform your thoughts and acts onto paper. It's very stimulating.

Desy is a delightful student to have; however she needs to work more on her listening skills and following directions hahahahahahahaha. check your email I am going to send you something that makes you laugh even more.

24yrs, 6moths - much respect. Astounds me, as well.

CourtEney Michelle said...

Hopefully in a few years I will still be "virtuous."lol. It'll be 21 years in October. I'm told that there is a certain sexiness about those who are "virtuous." I like having that sexiness :-)

flawsandall said...

are you sure, that was fiction?

its always fun to go through report cards and the likes when you were younger especially since i have short term memory..they help to bring them back..
hmm 24 years..mine is 21 and aome months and I am barely hanging there..
i say if you waited that long, you might as well wait to the end
how are you?

dessex said...

man my damn report card use to say the same thing lol