Saturday, July 19, 2008

2 weeks to go

Sigh- I have almost made it... I remember falling apart during the first week of this summer program (3weeks post starting my summer internship); and now I have 2 weeks to go...

She asked me to stay on after my internship contract expires (Aug 1) for 2 more weeks until the program ends (Aug 15) for pay... Here's the issue with that:

She cut me a break during this semester by paying me for the hours I worked outside of my 'internship' ($10 an hour). Now, Mon and Wed have super strong staff and the kids are always well managed and everything is pretty smooth those days. Tues and Thurs are a bit disjointed and I have to take on alot more responsiblity (which I didnt mind during my internship because I had to be there anyway). There are people there making between $25/hr - $50+/hr that sitting around and asking me (or the other new staff, or the ONE strong therapist there) questions about what should be done and how things should go... and when kids tantrum, I or Lala (the strong therapist) deals with them. It gets pretty stressful and I wake up dreading those two days because of how out of control it gets. Also, my supervisor is telling me that we are adding kids starting on the 28th of June; one is older and has behaviors (bites herself when she is frustrated), one is larger (down syndrome and is stubborn as hell); and one runs around constantly (very impulsive)... Between those three, they are going to need some intense supervision...meanwhile the other 12-15 or so autistic kids running around will be in the hands of 1 new staff, 1 intern, the partial owner (who SUCKS), and some sporatic supervision from 2 other therapists who aren't 'really' there.

It makes me just want to shake my head and walk away. I hate feeling as though I'm being taken advantage of, and during my internship, I took whatever she was willing to pay because not everyone gets paid... hell, everyone else I know didn't... but then again, they only worked 20 hours, where as I worked about 30-35 (in four days) while taking 2 classes (4hours) 2 of the nights that I worked.

I was part of it. I was there when all of this was proposed to me, so I am not going to act as though I got blind sided, or pretend that I don't appreciate it. I really do... the extra funds are always better than nothing. Which is why I have this dilemma now.

I can either not continue through the summer program and kinda burn a bridge (cause I know that she expects me to stay- even though I never agreed to); Stay and work my ass off while I'm feeling horrible about it; Stay and shift my schedule so that I don't have to be there those days that I know I'm going to be miserable; or Stay and figure out a way to get her to give me more money.... I really don't know what to do, but I have 2 weeks to think about it.

Did I mention it takes me an hour to get to my internship? Yeah... Quite a drive

I can't wait for ALL of this to be over. I miss my blog filled, regularly scheduled days that flowed around me with ease... oh well...

Any suggestions?


Adei von K said...

an hour to get there?! girl, an hour when its required is different than an hour that's optional!

will the money you'll be making off-set the money you'll be spending on gas? its so sad, but you have to think abt how you'll afford this "opportunity".

tell her you'll take the job if you can do it on MWF. That way you get a lil break, make a lil money, and won't burn your car out with that hour commute

who? said...

wow... at least it's almost over... the question is... do you really want to do it... if you do... I agree with adei... take mwf and keep it moving

. said...

i agree with the two above. make this work for you. Its obvious she needs you so see if you can negotiate something that will lower the stress level on you. it seems as though with the difficulty of this job the lower the stress level the better it is for you anyway.

Rashan Jamal said...

I think its time for some renegotiation. Tell em that you have another job lined up for $15 an hour and that you'd love to stay if they will pay you that. Worse come to worse you get a 2 week vacation or you make a little bit more without feeling like you broke the bank.

Jameil said...

Dear heart, one thing you need to learn sooner than later, and I believe you are now, is that your time is valuable. YOU are valuable. You know that b/c you see how others look up to you and so does she. You will absolutely ask to be paid appropriately and never again take something subpar in pay just because no one else got paid. you have UNIQUE skills b/c you are a unique person. You are throwing everything into this internship so you can get everything out of it which is the way it should be. Now capitalize on it. Esp. since you're driving such a great distance. If she doesn't want to give you more money, you will absolutely need to shift your schedule so that the bulk of the responsibility that you don't necessarily want does not fall upon your shoulders. If they are adding clients, they are getting additional money which means they can afford more help i.e. you. Get your money. Most women have a problem with this. I got sucked in in the past and will NEVER do that again. Know your worth.

Jameil said...

my bad for writing a book. i should've just posted on my blog! lol.

guerreiranigeriana said... totally agree with jameil1922...sound advice indeed...women def tend to just take whatever and have these feelings of guilt around not sticking around or not getting paid someone else pointed out above, you and your time are valuable, internship or not...good luck whichever way you decide...

The Second Sixty-Eight said...

What Jameil said AND what erebody else said too. Definitely make it pay for you. You are not obligated to stay any longer than the previously agreed term. I don't know if you are leaning for or against staying the two weeks. If you are on the fence (50/50) then ask her how much she feels your extended stay is worth. If what she tells you makes you wanna stay then that is what you do. Otherwise break out! That way you know how much you are valued, and you won't feel guilty about leaving if they don't give you a strong enough offer. But that is only if you are in a 50/50 situation...

Jazzy said...

I should have given my response before reading Jam's...but now that I have I don't have anything to add. She truly summed up everything I wanted to say and more.

Good luck!

dessex said...

man the summer is pose to be fun...sounds like you have been going through it lately. Don't worry your hard work will pay off in the end.

1/3 said...

i think you should ask for more money if you bring up the fact that you will be working on days that you really dont have alot of help. It seems like you already won over your supervisior. Just mentioned what you mentioned on here to her.

soumynona said...

wow, it can be tough being an intern. I bring interns in all the time - very talented as you are I'm sure. Now I know what some of them are thinking =>
I think you should express your concerns to your direct super but more as a learning experience growth question because the money will come for you in the long run - relationships are worth more than money at this pt for you =>

i.can't.complain. said...

well, ure certainly worth more

walk in there and say

"fuck you, pay me"

that should work

i kid. i kid

miss u, D


kit von b. said...

where the eff have u been biotch?


Nigerian Drama Queen said...

wow dont know how you've survived an hour commute. Thats crazyyyyy
Alas, its almost over