Friday, April 18, 2008

I'm done!

I just got done with my last report. It will be revised and such, but the bulk of the work is over...*sigh*. I'm off to sleep for the next three hours, then up to go to work, then home for a brief regrouping... then, the joys of Happy Hour!... with friends from school and life... should be interesting

ESPECIALLY if I run into someone like him... (cause you know they pound the reggae around 1am and this song is the anthem that leads the

Happy Friday All!! I will be visiting EVERYONE i've neglected this week and makin sure I show love this Sat...


Jazzy said...

wow! There is just something about seeing a dude do the dutty whine that just screams SUSSSSSSSSSSSSSPECT!!!!!

Have fun at happy hour!

lea78 said...

good Lord make it stop, please make it stop. he's not a suspect diva he is most def the guilty party

The Second Sixty-Eight said...

Imma have to go with Lea on this one. But where is that happy hour? I could use a few myself.

Queen of My Castle said...

LMAO @ Diva and Lea. Too funny.

I can't view the video here @ work, but will when I get home. Drink a grey goose apple martini for me!!!! I'll be on Mommy Duty when I get off, so no drinks for moi.

Jameil said...

Happy Hour! wheeeeeeee!!!

1/3 said...

YAY to being done with your last report!!

LMAO @ dude doing dutty whine!!! Are you serious??? LOL. Yea he's gayer then gay lol

Anyway have fun this weekend! Drink a jolly rancher. I love those:-)

James Tubman said...

don't feel guilty dawg

we know you've been working

best of luck to you homie

soumynona said...

I am getting dizzy watching ol boy, I hope he/she alright

Rashan Jamal said...

You going to the gay club? That's where you gonna find that dude. Glad you (somewhat)finished all your work

dejanae said...

im mad ole boy can dutty wine beta than me
oh man
have fun

who? said...

video... wow...

congrats on finishing that report though.

Adei von K said...

a dutty wine, a dutty wine, a dutty dutty dutty dutty dutty dutty wine!

he killed it. admit it!

MsRoxy said...

People have died doing this dance, do not try this at home.
Look atcha, trying it at home.

kit von b. said...

i want him to be my best friend tho...


flawsandall said...

why can a guy shake his ass like that and I am a girl and I cant shake my ass like that?...this is wrong on so many levels

i.can't.complain. said...

happy belated weekend to u too


James Tubman said...

retarded lol