Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A fictional tale

I closed the door behind me, shutting out my day. I dropped my bag, stepped out of my 3 inch red Manolo blahnik's right there were I stood while pulling out the pin that collected my hair at the base of my neck. I ran one tired hand through the tressles while the other began unbuttoning the pin stripped blazer that confined my upper anatomy. Turning I faced my empty apartment, quiet and unchanged since I left 10 hours ago for work. I took one hosiered step and slide just a little across the mahogany colored hardwood which brings a small reactive smile to my lips. A foreign position for my face to take these days. Leaving my crumpled jacket atop my bag I walk towards the kitchen for my customary Or.eo fix. The immaculate living room beckons my company for a spell, but I cannot be deterred from my destination. My overworked hand lightly pushes the wood encased swing glass door and it yields to the invasion offering an opening for my entry. There I see my house phone screaming in her illuminating fashion that I was missed. I ignore her noise and walk straight to where my emotional salvation lies. I open the cupboard, reach in to find the box of 'america's favorite cookies'. My fingers finally grasp the illusive pleasure and I lift, finding that her frame was lighter than when we last had an encounter. Dangerously so. I need to make a stop at the store tomorrow before I run out the only allowable thought that surfaces to my conscience mind since I walked into this space. This space that used to be shared by he and I....I pull back the top cover that encases my greatest comfort and I see that thankfully, I have the two that are required to provide me a sense of peace. I remove them from their cradled existence and place them delicately in my weary hands as I toss the casing into the trash. I walk over to the stainless steel refrigerator and yank harder than I intended. The door over extends and causes a sharp reaction from my shoulder. Unapologetic, the door swings back to a comfortable stance and ignores any thumps from my anatomy. I swoop down just a bit and take in the contents. Half a gallon of orange juice, left over chinese that was probably too old to be in there, sweet tea from the local grocery store, and la piece de resistance- a tall gallon of milk. As I'm about to reach in, I hear a knock at the door. Furrowed brow, I stop and listen. Nothing. Shaking my head, I reach in grabbing the milk and just as I place it on the center island, I hear the knock again. Who in da...I look down at the message alert and wonder if mystery guest had been the person who had disturbed the peace of my usually quiet answering machine. I maintained the furrowed brow while walking back through the elements of my newly acquired solitude, my apartment. I pull the door open, and caught a vision that I had been trying to forget since it last crossed this threshold.

'Can we talk?' Oh that voice. I had tried to forget it, but the bumps and grooves of it's vibration left predictable messages on my spine, and i felt it settle itself there like always.

'What's left to say?' His eyes were the only elements of his stoic face to carry a reaction. Flames of frustration smoked into billowing clouds of sadness and regret. He did not move from where he stood and he waited. I dropped my hand from the door and took one step back into my place of solitude, serenity, and safety. He paused slightly before walking across the line which separated his current with his past, but committed to the motion and planted his foot firmly into what he had once known as life. And as his step brought him closer to me, his eyes contacted mine and it was in that moment that I was transported to all the reasons why I loved this man so damn much.... as well as to all the reason why he hurt me in just the same way....


soupasexy said...

yeah just remembered i have oreos in the fridge lemme go have some, will be back to leave a comment.

by the way, am first!

Jazzy said...

The beginning of this sounds like me from being annoyed at messages, to the mahogany hardwood floors to the crumpled clothes on the floor! lol

Great write...sounds like there is a part two!

Although...the fact that he interrupted quiet time with oreos and milk should be indication enough (maybe even a sign) that you shouldn't let him back in! lol

who? said...

hmmm... interested to see where this is going if there will be a part two...

Chari said...

4th ish!!! o well claim ma space...I'll read up wen am back from!


One Man’s Opinion said...

Wow, you have such a great narrative voice. How nice of you to share it. I think you should save it, develop it and turn it into a novel. Good fiction is always a pleasure to read.

Chari said...

hmmmn...nice....i like the way the embrace u and invite you into the little world that u have created

Adei von K said...

woo!! you write so well!! i love it and can't wait to read the rest!

oh yeah, whoever was at the door would've had to wait for me and my snack to be thru. EVERYTHING has to wait when i get home from work!

Don said...

Solid writing, Desy. Of course.

It must be something to love a person so much and seemingly hold animosity towards that same love being felt.

Sidebar: I hadn't gotten around to answering your leg comment. No I haven't seen your legs. I was able to get an idea from an older post where you had a yellow dress on.

Don said...

Yeah I pays attention like that. lol.

soumynona said...

Why do I pray that God has milk and cookies in heaven? Because that is quality snacking right there. Please tell me you had double stuff bc they are the best for dipping. Now the Oreo cakesters kinda suck so they need to take them off the shelves and replace them with reg Oreos. I love this sentence - "My fingers finally grasp the illusive pleasure and I lift, finding that her frame was lighter than when we last had an encounter"
....Yeah, you know where my mind is =>

Jameil said...

i ain't see upsetednessocity nowhere in there... also "food i love you son!! shout out to food!" all those who interrupt me and food are that wackness!!

Tyhitia Green said...

You had me at Manolo Blahnik's! ;*) Will this be a novel? Short story? Keep us posted.

dessex said...

well damn I want to finish the story. This was great.

1/3 said...

I love the picture you created. Part 2 coming right?*crossing fingers hoping you say yes* lol

kit von b. said...

cosigns with everyone...there should be a pt. 2.

something tellls me this is NOT 100% fiction. jus' sayin.


dejanae said...

anxiously awaiting the sequel

Desy said...

@ss- first time thru and makin the #1 spot…very nice; welcome and I'm glad u enjoyed

@diva- fo real? I shoulda added bein pissed about the snatched mat…lol… I'm think bout continuing… we'll see

@can- I was just writing and that's what came out.. I didn't think about continuing, but I guess I may look into doing more

@char-welcome newbie… we'll see where my world takes you when I continue

@one man- novels take dedication and focus… and I'm a woman, so I change my mind about direction of a plot/character/concept every third day…lol. Thus novels are tough… but maybe a short story… would you care to be the male perspective maybe?

@stace- I'm saying… those first few moments when I get home are crucial to my wind down and if you disturb that?!?! I'm offically Upset…lol

@don- thank you- what did you do? Blow the pic up… it didn't have much leg in there…lol… such a studier of the female form… *smh* lmao

@soumy- maaaaaaaan…you just keep turnin shyt round…lol. I actually thought this: My overworked hand lightly pushes ….and it yields to the invasion offering an opening for my entry would have peaked more of your interest…lol. And I'm partial to the original. Double stuff is a little too much for me *sheepish smile*

@j-lmao@ the upsetednessocity omission… I'm workin it in there… I just have the perfect moment…lol

@hunter- it honestly was just a post since I had nothin goin on… but I guess I should keep going???

@dessex- hahaha, I guess I really do have to keep this going…*mental note to begin*.

@1/3-yes… ps, you were a partial inspiration to this…I may need a little input if you don't mind

@KB- well, the Oreo portion is ALL me…lol

Desy said...

@deja-*workin on it now*

1/3 said...


sure I'll give you input:-) Hit me up on aim or in my inbox.

*going back to studying* lol

Anonymous said...

get to ready for part 2! lol

Brittany said...

me too!

flawsandall said...

your so descriptive, I can create a complete movie in my head with your words since you leave nothing out..

*taps foot impatiently*

waiting for part two my dear

Desy said...

@1/3- only when you grab some time... i know how school work can be...

@80 & britt-i'm on it

@zephi- just for you... i got that ish done

Queen of My Castle said...

OMG, Miss Desy. I have been sleeping on your skills. Very descriptive. I loves it! I have been here wayyyyy too many times with the same man.

Hmmmm, do I smell a novel brewing...

Just food for thought.


guerreiranigeriana said...

nicely is that what i should have named mine to field the questions and accusations;)...*runs to read part two*...

Buttercup said... say u r a great writer wud be the understatement of the century!