Sunday, May 4, 2008


Initially, this post was suppose to be this self exposing free thought typing scenario that I was having late Saturday night, or early Sunday morning (however you wanna look at it)... but instead, I'm pulling back. Reason: Some of those thoughts and feelings don't need to come to surface. The potential for what they could be does not need to be aired. Honestly, that is so unlike me. I usually go with my gut and do or say what my heart tells me I should... which is usually 'putting it all out there'. But I can't. Because if I let it go, I don't know if I'll be able to control it. Right now it is being contained in the smallest of small compartments of my mental state, ever present, but none the less controlled. However like fire, a breath of oxygen can feed this seed of possibility and turn it into something without boundaries... and I don't want that. Not because of anything except... it shouldn't be. As much as I would move my world over for the possibility of greatness... I don't have the opportunity... and I'm not gonna make one because maybe it would adjust planets that are aligned along side mines and I would hate to crush or destroy anyone around me. So I'm gonna hold it in. This is just an acknowledgment that it is there... and that I need to make a conscious effort to keep a tight rein. Otherwise... who knows of the possibilities....


who? said...

Possibilities are limitless. you just gotta know what your limit is.

Chari said...

hmmn...sure u know what ur doing Desy?

Cuz last i heard bottling up such thots myt make things worse than bring good...

kit von b. said...

just as long as ur okay with the decision u make to "keep a tight rein", that's really all that matters.


Hadassah said...

mmmm i agree with charizard bottling up thoughts may do more harm than good but I also think it depends on what thoughts they r

Rashan Jamal said...


Eb the Celeb said...

Well alright!

guerreiranigeriana said... just threw me into a philosophical space...

SHE_UNIQUE said...

You create the NORM.
insightful post! Peace.

Jameil said...

stop holdin stuff back girl. make ya head blow. don't you love how your inanity gets 7 million comments and your expressive one gets 3 (the equivalent)? do you homie.

1/3 said...

Now desy you know you have to go in to details about this right?? j/k lol. I understand completely sometimes its better to hold it in until you figure it out. Whateva your decision I know you will be ok wit it. you're a smart lady:-)

dejanae said...

so u really gon make me guess what the hell it is u talkin bout?
abstract posts my ass

soumynona said...

The safest places are in those free spaces that lie in our hearts and minds - these recesses allow those powerful thoughts to run free and remain safe. Because frankly, the world just aint ready!! But you'll know when the time is right (huggzzz)

Desy said...

@canon- so tru

@char- honestly, in this situation, it won't make things worse� but I don't kno� my mental is shifting a little on it

@kb- I am� most days�lol

@dassah- it's a delicate balance, so� I'm tryin to make the best decision for everyone, and most times, I do think that the best decision is for me to do this� but things change, and this may as well

@rah- what?

@eb- *cofused face* ok

@niga- I have been known to do that sometimes�lol� I'll pull u back if u'd like

@she- welcome and thanx�

@j- hahaha, I starting to believe that maybe I should go 'nuts go ape shyt'� we'll see. Lmao� honestly, it's whatever� as long as someone shows love� I kno people read sometimes but don't comment� cause I do that ish too�lol

@1/3- I'm a smart lady?!?!... Makin me feel like I've aged about 10 yrs�lol�

@deja- hahaha� don't even try� rashan, who knows me, couldn't figure it out� only those in the situation can understand� and they got it�

@soum- thank you my dear� you are so sweet to me� glad to see u enjoyin the maintanance of your 'playa' card�lol

flawsandall said...

babes do spill....spill spill all ears eyes nose. lol..after all what is blogging for...From your coded words, I decipher your letting go of and opputunity ao as not to disrupt someonelses....take it wasy..How are you though?

Smaragd said...

welcome to the club babe!

i think Soupasexy is going through thesame phase, and as a matter of fact, so am what to do? what to do?

1/3 said...

LMAO sorry. It does sound like that. but yea you get what i mean hopefully lol

Desy said...

@zephi- i'm doing well... just enjoying the last few days of vacation

@smar- i know.. it's hard for me to decide what is best

@1/3- i do absolutely hunnie..