'Stop, stop, stop, stop' my hand pushes him away trying to collect myself but not really being successful at it.
'I just wanna make you cum baby. Just let me do that for you.'
That's when I become completely sobered and I stop this scenario that I have been in time and time again for as long as I have been kissing boys alone in their apartment/dorm/car.
All of my friends (and when I say all, I mean ALL) have said to me at one point or another that I should just let them. To date, I have never been completely naked in front of another human being. I recall one incident where my panties were off (while shirt was still on), but it lasted a whole 1min, thus being dismissed as a figment of my imagination rather than a situation of carnal pleasure. Honestly, it was uncomfortable and I didn't get anything out of it; thus fortifying my resolve that no man can bring me pleasure like I can do for myself.
But almost EVERY man that I have entertained or been truly interested in since 18 has harped on their abilities to make me cum. It becomes, almost, an obsession. 'Let me prove it to you. Take 'em off now and I'll work it out. I don't even need anything in return. I just want to give you the experience of your lifetime.' Really? Do you? Wow... such a proposal. What a fool I am to resist such a proposition.
You know what I have NEVER heard. 'I want to make you happier than any man has ever done before. I want to treat you like the wonderful, educated, sweet, Haitian American woman that you are. I wanna be your man.' Most guys don't believe me when I say that. I always point out 'what have you offered me...? That's right... sex only...So how you gonna tell me you don't believe me.'
It's hard. DAMN hard. I had to fight tooth and nail to build the self esteem that I managed to scrap up during middle and high school despite being the only person who didn't have a boyfriend for the ENTIRE 7 years from Pied.mont Mid.dle thru graduation from We.st Or.ange High. Then college hit, and I felt like I had missed the memo. Wha...? I'm suppose to go to your house? I'm suppose to call you? I'm suppose to ask you out? Really? This is the main reason why I have so many friends that I've kissed, or cuddled with. I went in and took what I was missin in my life... but then when they pushed for sex without the relationship, I bucked and lightened the interaction to 'homie' status (removal of cuddle/kissing privileges now). I couldn't do the sex then relationship pattern that everyone seemed to be following. It almost felt like people were backing into relationships rather than taking the time to really get to know the person. And there were so many aggressive girls that I just fell into the backdrop. Most times... the girls didn't even get the relationship and I would hear my male friends speak so poorly of said female of the hour, which further assisted in my resolve to never drop trou without trustin the guy wholeheartedly. Eventually, guys who fell off rather than maintain my friendship would cross my path a few months later (as I became stronger in my womanhood, thus dressin better and walking more confident) and would throw out those tired lines: 'Why don't you call me? Why don't you come over no more? I've been thinkin about you. I miss you' You really miss me? *looking down at my phone* How would I know that? You don't show that you miss me. You just got words. I'm suppose to be moved by that? Really? *throwing up the dueces and makin sure the rocks felt my stomp as.i.walk.away.*
I'm thinking, when I get outta college, it'll get better. Well, I was met by a hard truth. No it's not. Men are just as passive in the corporate world as they are in college. Most date white women (at least from what I see). The rest expecting me to call incessantly. Don't get it twisted, I don't mind calling, or checkin in... but do I really have to be the one who does it all the time?? I've mastered the art of picking up men that I find appealing. And what do I do? I make the first move. I call... I don't mind doing that, cause I made the pursuit. I saw you, I wanted you, I'll pursue. And I did that for awhile. But more recently, no one has really made me want to move, so I've been on the receiving end of the pursuit. I'm not met with the same style. I'm pursued via text message... with light convo and no inquisition as to when he and I might possibly link up. Until Friday rolls around. Then text: 'you gonna be at ant.i.gua, cause I'm tryna see your pretty face.' I don't usually reply.
If we get past all this, and we actually get to a place where I do end up getting to know him as a person and he gets to know me as a person; that is when that trusty line makes it's appearance: 'I just wanna make you cum.'
That's it?!? 'Well, I don't know if I'm ready to be committed' or 'I'm not at a place where I want a lady' or 'I'm just not sure about you and me on that locked down level'... but you wanna make me cum KNOWING that I've never, and understanding that it could quite possibly deepen my emotional tie to you. *nodding head* Ok.. can I just say I have a confused face on right now. I DON'T GET IT.
I understand the whole ego thing; a man makin a woman twist up over what he is doing or did do or could've done or might've done boosts any man's mental and sometimes even gets him off depending on the situation. But is that ALL you want from me? Is that all you want to offer me? And how much do you respect me to believe that that is all I deserve? How can you allow your mouth to slide into the position to even utter such a weak proposition when looking at me and knowing how I am?
A blow to my self esteem. I'm not gonna lie. It is. Because I KEEP getting it. And as my friends laugh and tell me to 'Do it'... I'm softly crying because I don't want that to be all I'm worth. An ego stroke. You pleasured the virgin and may eventually want something more.... maybe... depending... whatever.
just be honest, you're waiting for me arent you?? lol...
keep holdin out..b/c if you don't you will easily become a victim of male ego. i wish i could give you a good explanation for those guys actions but the truth is they are being selfish in simply wanting to stroke their own ego. the right one will come along and give you an offer you can't refuse
I see a blog crush brewing between 1980 and Desy
wow girl. Guys used to do that to me too. It was so unheard of in my college to be over the age of 18 and still be a virgin so I had so many offers. but like you I was able to see through their bullshit. Just stay strong and dont listen to your friends. its your body and when the right one comes along you will be happy you waited.
men are so slimey.
i can't relate to this post because i'm the biggest tramp i know. yea yea yea carre bradshaw. i know. i wish i held onto mine longer...
-karrie b.
p.s. oh no honey. we're gonna have to get u to REMOVE this word verification off ur comments...
1. take your time. u will be tired of the drama sef when u begin
2. Don't u think "Diary of a Virgin" is very pre-Federline Britney?
I'm back.
I totally feel you on this one. You really are speaking the truth.
I feel you, I totally know where you are coming from, word for word lol!
Everybody can't be as emotionally passionate as the Cannon... I mean, the Cannon is just a one-in-a-million guy... don't be bummed because The Cannon is Mr. Perfect and alot of the guys spitting that lame game to you isn't... I'm sure there's a mr. perfect (lowercased because there's only ONE Mr Perfect) out there for you
and that's all it is, an ego stroke. men are so wack/sensitive in that aspect.
girl don't even take it as a blow to the self-esteem. look at it like OH WELL! another one bites the dust! that's HIS problem. that let's you know y'all do not have the same end view in mind. better to know that now than way later. keep your clothes on. why even be bothered.
and i sincerely doubt you were the only person who didn't have a boyfriend for the ENTIRE 7 years unless you went to the smallest schools in the whole world.
(This pic reminds me of "Run to the Sun" by. N.E.R.D.)
I would never recommend sharing that experience with a lame ass guy who just wants to be there temporarily. NEVER.
In the moments leading up to the intimate action of (however he wants to make you cum)when the goal has been reached you want to be actually feeling the person there and vise versa. Otherwise it's meaningless...degrading even.
Go ahead and run to the TRUTH girl.
As tough a row as it is to hoe (I know, poor choice of colloquialism), you are to be commended for standing your ground, knowing who you are, knowing wht you want and not settling for less. You are so right in so many of the things you say. So many women give in to those words, which makes them tried and true from the male's standpoint. It works most of the time, and it works because women put themselves in that position...emotionally AND physically. In my younger days, if a woman has placed herself in my environment and is ANY parts naked, I'm assuming we're not there to make pancakes.
I learned a long time ago that in most cases, women give sex to get love and men give love to get sex. With that prevailing attitude, it dramatically reduces the chances of a successful relationship. To different motivations.
It's a good thing that all things are not true of all men. I'd love to say it's a maturity thing, but in fact it's an individual thing. He's out there. And he's looking for you.
Girl, if I had a dollar for every man that said he could make me cum, I’d be a rich bitch for real!
Some men love to brag…it’s a huge boost to their ego and has NOTHING to do with you, so you can’t let it negatively affect your self esteem. Obviously they aren’t worth your time…so keep it moving knowing that you deserve better and someone better is on the horizon!
Damn, Desy. After reading this you make me want to change my ways fo' real. This was a very touching and compassionate post. I don't know though...for every female who seeks to really find and develop love, there is a female who is always on some mo' ish. I think that's why men, some men, are the way we are - it's hard to really trust the heart of a woman anymore.
But you don't have to trust the umm, well, you know.
Is that you in the picture. Judging from the leg, it is. Right? And did you write that beautiful piece next to it?
Enjoyed the read. And, no, it's never a figment.
Desy you are so real and although those guys have the worse game ever - I mean, I've never ever said that line and I will never say that to anyone - some things should be a matter of fact, no questions asked...anyway, i believe all men and women should take a look at this post. Perhaps we can decrease teenage pregnancies and what not. Keep doing you and being you as long as you see fit.
Further, a women should never have to chase a guy, it should always be the other way around.
I have to affirm Don though, there are a lot of women who aren't as introspective as yourself and there are even some who are a little more "free spirited" than other women and men flock to them. There are some deeper psychological, biological, and spiritual implications at play as well but explaining them would take up too much space. Maybe in a post one day
which is why i dont fall for that blockbuster night bullshit.lmao
we are sooo eye to eye on this post
Definitely get props for maintaining your principles. It's odd that there hasn't been one man that actually wanted more than to be your first. I guess men are as crazy as you women. LOL
hmmmmnnnn...i was going to tease you about the comment you left on jinta's last post-which literally killed me with laughter-but, i guess i won't...interestingly, in my case, folks were real cool on being my first anything!!!...this incredibly hot guy in undergrad explicitly told me he would have loved to have kissed me but the pressure of being the first was too much...he told me to come back after i had some experience...
...stick to your principles mama...there are men who will respect, honor and love your sincerity, desire to develop something with depth and your virtue...even as i never dated, even in college, there was a level of respect i knew the guys had for me...you are being groomed and finely tuned to be the wonderful woman you are blossoming into...instead of blows to self-esteem, see these as testaments to the strength of your character and resolve...
...i love this pic...i think essence needs some pics of black women on vacation, although the pic could and does say soooooooo much more...and the piece on the side-although i am blind now for sure-was beautiful...
been there, D
i know its been said before and i know u know.
u do deserve more.
its just a matter of being in the right time and place for it 2 happen.
*keeping my fingers crossed for u*
I want to make you happier than any man has ever done before. I want to treat you like the wonderful, educated, sweet, Haitian American woman that you are. I wanna be your man
@80- can't refuse huh? We shall see…
@1/3- thanks for the support
@kb- lol@ 'men are slimey'; no you don't… otherwise you wouldn't be the slut that I have come to appreciate..lol
@ms.cat- 1. ok ; 2. no
@britt- thanks, I try to
@hadassah- welcome… I'm glad I'm not alone
@adonis- did you just refer to yourself in the third person? Hahaha- well, we'll see what God has in store for me when it comes to 'mr. perfect' and our paths crossing~ all I know for sure is that I haven't yet
@stace- I'm sayin… why do you think I would settle for that kinda weak stuff; get outta here with that
@mellymel- I'm tryin not to, but sometimes it does take a toll. But I know what your sayin is tru
And I meant it regarding people I was friends with…I'm sure you're right tho cause my graduating class was around 800
@rox- your just happy I cropped your legs outta that pic…lol.
@journ- I agree with you on so many levels… this could be a reason why I've held out. I don't want my motives to be different from my partner, and somehow it usually is…
@diva- yeah, I just wonder why when they know me… obviously I'm not gonna do it; why ask…lol- I need smarter people around me..
@don- you're not perfect already?...lol; I am aware of those women and it's at that 'I wanna make you cum' statement that I direct those men in their direction… find another; and don't ask me that ish again
Yes it is me running- and you've never seen my legs so how would you be able to identify them in a pic? I did write that piece. I didn't think anyone would really read it cause it was so small~ I appreciate your determination
@soumy- you seem too on point to say what you would do~ panties would probably be off with just a look…lol; I look forward to that post
@deja- LMAO; girl sometimes you make me feel so dull… hilarious response…and too tru
@rah- not odd- just my reality… me? Crazy…? maybealittlebutdon'ttellnobody…lol
@niga- haha- I couldn't believe I thought it up as I wrote it…jinta always inspires craziness from me…lol; thank you so much for those words… I do need to be fortified and you found the perfect words~ thank you for the compliment…I always think that way when I'm near the water
@i.can't- right place huh?...maybe I need to be where you are…lol
@jinta-LMAO- do you now? Lemme see the action behind those words and we'll make it happen…*wink*
girl... i wishn i can regain my virginity back... ay 29 and 9 months, i opted for celibacy... i have reached my sexual heights, and it getts to a point where it becomes more than just the physical... it is deeper for me...
So hold out girl
i admire the fact that u r so proud of who n what u r...i didn't wanna lose my virginty the way it happened, i could have tried harder, gosh, i was a freakin weaklin....so yea, keep on being ur strong self n dont get swayed, the world needs more women like u!
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