So last night I went out with my home girl Roxy to see The Ot.her Bol.eyn Sis.ter. Lemme tell you, that movie left my head spinning. It was dark and disturbed and twisted and... actually really good. But it gave me such a clear view on why men say women are Even my dad says it- and he has a daughter.
There is representation of the goodness of a women who is kind and honest and strong. And then there is the representation of the other woman; manipulative, selfish, unscrupulous and crazy as hell. Women as a whole may have both of these sides within them. The use of sexual wiles (aka Sexual Bewitchery) to goad and tease a man has been an art that has been taught or learned for... well, forever. Some women have mastered it while others still pursue perfecting. But it's the desired outcome that can be dangerous and reveal the true nature of a woman- good vs evil.
I've heard of some surreptitious tactics to win a man- But Anne B was so comfortable with what she was doing that I couldn't help but wonder when she became amoral. And then I go back to my real life and I look at some of the situations that my friends have been in and I see some of the same things.
For example- two heterosexual sisters; one lesbian- MY GOD the drama...
Again, I wonder, what is missing that makes women do such things. Originally, Anne B was normal and was just as kind and funny as her sister- witty and educated as well. But her strength ran off the king. Then she learned other more distructive ways to win his affections (after he'd already bedded her sister) and she lost her mind in the process.
So whose to blame? If he had accepted her to begin with- she wouldn't have resulted to doing what she did, but should a man really affect who you are a person sooo much that you change the makeup of your heart and mind?
I wonder this alot because I have been called intimidating due to how comfortable I am with myself and my achievements-thus running men off myself. Supposedly, it's going to take a special kind of man to truly appreciate me and be willing to take it one day at a time and understand that he still won't be getting any after the third I mean, do I really have to change to maintain the interest of a man; with cunning ways and smooth words...? I hate to believe that it's me who is defective, but how could it not be... I've been single WAY longer than I've been entangled (which is not so for some of my idiotic counterparts)... and if I changed elements about myself than maybe that wouldn't be the case.
Too bad I like myself to much to change A DAMN I learned a long time ago that I am different. Not because of anything really significant- simply because I've abstained from sex.... by choice, for reasons that are not entwined with the Bib.le (because God knows I sin), and decided to get a masters degree at 22, and know the importance of having good credit and live accordingly, and talk really really dirty when I want to, and talk honest and open with expectations of the same. You would think there is nothing extraordinary about that- but my encounters have revealed that maybe there is (on both sides).
But I still don't know who is to blame for the situation where a women goes from good to evil because a man didn't want her in the state he met her; which changed her. He has a right to want what he wants- but why does it have to be done in such a way? Why does appreciation not come until she has completely submitted to the dark side and woes him with her newly acquired skills...
Maybe you can help me out...
Lol, I saw the lower case O again, now I know I'm not seeing things.
What I think changed her was a her father's opinion. The words of parents can mess you up maaan.
I teach this era of World History so I would be interested to see how this movie plays out. Sounds good.
*cues Jay Z Blueprint, Track 9*
Never change to get a man. The right one will come along and he will accept you for who you are and challenge you in a way that will make you think differently and then you can consider making changes for yourself and not the relationship.
you have to know yourself and love yourself enough not to let anyone lead you to believe you're inferior or must change fundamental parts of your personality for any relationship. unless of course you're a jerk... lol.
@roxy- of all things to focus so deeply on- the 'o' in other? i thought they were all cap'd...
@80- it was definately an interesting film... me change..??? never... lol (well maybe a little)
@j- haha, i know some idiots that could definately use a personality makeover.. but no jerks...
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