Sunday, March 30, 2008

A blog dialogue- Reconvene

I really don’t wanna be here right now,’ Charles looking a little peaked whispers to me.

‘Well, I have some of those AAA batteries (aka flu pills for those of you who don’t read his blog…lol) if you need something.’

‘Nawww. 1/3 is bringing me something when she gets here. That’s the only reason why I haven’t left.’

‘For the medicine, or for the sight of 1/3?’ laughing ‘Don’t respond to that… you know how nosy I am…’

As the last few bloggers trickle in, Rashan gets up and walks over to the unlit fireplace quieting everyone down.

Hey ya’ll. Thanks for coming this week. I know these meetings can be annoying, but that’s the only way that we can get shit off of our chest.

Or out of their closets,’ James glancing at me with a soft smile.

‘Where some things should never leave,’ Don pipes as he shakes his head regarding last meetings drama over he and Eb.

Rolling her eyes, Eb looks at Rashan, ‘So will you be getting something off your chest this evening?’

Snickering, Stace leans over and whispers to Jameil, ‘That is so not the question to ask’

‘What does that mean?’ Britt, over hearing their comment.

‘It just means that because Rashan has been posting for, oh I don’t know, 30 years, he probably has an incredibly laundry list of things that get on his nerves about the blog world and I don’t have that kind of time.’ Jameil offers.

Giving The Smirk to Jameil for her side bar commentary, Rashan says ‘Look, I’ve been blogging for a while now, and there are just a few things that are getting on my nerves and I figured tonight’s meeting would be a good time to get it off my chest.’

Before he can begin, Eb inputs, ‘Well, can I just say that I get annoyed with you guys? Ya’ll all claim to be smart, cultured, suave, debonair, love the music that we do, write eloquently, and open up to us in a way that they would never open up to some of your significant others. But I don’t think that is a true representative of you as a whole. I think I’m only getting one side.’

‘That’s not me,’
James innerates.

‘That’s because you don’t talk about yourself at all on your posts,’ I counter.

‘I mean, I write about things that I think about and relate to my life. What’s wrong with that?’ James being a little defensive.

‘Nothing!’ One Man supporting James in his stance to not talk about his personal.

Diva says, ‘I don't expect anyone to write all their dirt on a blog, but com’mon, can I get a little info?’

'I coulda sworn we already addressed this last week,' One Man pointing out.

Well let's just air it all out. What exactly do you want to know?’ Don inquires looking around the room.

‘I wanna know why we are digressing when I got some shit to express before I got interrupted,’ Rashan interjects.

‘Well, say what you gotta say bighead,’ Diva chuckling at Rashan’s pouting.

‘I just don’t think some of you realize that I have site meter… which means I can see you... when you come to my site (regularly), but don't comment, I’m annoyed.’ And he goes to sit next to Jameil and Stace as everyone in the room nods thinking that gets on my nerves too.

‘That’s it? I came here just for that. Oh somebody better say something good up in here. My dick breath is wearing off and I need a refresher session; unless someone in here has the juice that I’m looking for,’ Lea states as she glances over at Journ. He smiles and mouths later. She responds with a mouthed tease and he laughs and shrugs.

‘I can’t really say I have anything to complain about. I read somewhere that blogging was therapy of the sort. I believe so too. Once upon a time I would have scrambled to my phone and called someone I knew never had my best interest at heart to spill my soul just to be rejected. Just to reconfirm the notion that once again no one cares about me. Then I get on here. See I'm not alone. My outlet...’ 1/3 states to the group, and some head nod in agreement.

Jameil responds plaintively, ‘That’s so sweet….. But I don’t agree. There is so much to be irritated about in this little community of ours. Par example: Get some etiquette. Learn the rules. Repeat after me. Do not’

Group, ‘Do not’

Jameil, ‘EVER!’

Group, ‘EVER!’

Jameil, ‘come to someone else's blog’

Group, ‘come to someone else's blog’

Jameil ‘to publicize your own’

Group, ‘to publicize your own’

Jameil concludes, ‘Class dismissed.’

Rashan adds sarcastically, ‘But what if I have a post that I really want someone to read?’

Jameil giving him the side eye, quiets him with a very very very soft j ‘jerk.’

KB leaves the comfort of her seat with i.can’t.complain and walks over to the fireplace. She waits and makes sure that all eyes are on her before saying

‘THAT F*CKING WORD VERIFICATION SOME OF YOU STILL HAVE WHEN I GO TO MAKE A COMMENT GETS ON MY LAST NERVE. ARGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you.’ with a small curtsy she goes back to sit down.

‘Tell me how you really feel,’ I shake my head laughing at the loud voice that came from such a little body.

‘I get annoyed when women expect you to read their minds.’ Soumy adds.

‘Where the hell did that come from, and what does that have to do with blogging?’ Deja asks.

‘Man- I’m just blogging out loud right now. I didn’t have my customary sex with hot coffee and syrup this morning. Cause you know I’m all about those soft kisses so sweet - I taste the warmth and wetness - I feel the heat - everytime our lips meet EVERY morning, and today just wasn’t that day for me.'

Eb rubs his back and offers a gentle kiss for her blog husband.

‘Don’t do that unless you want your clothes off in 30secs flat,’ Soumy says flirtatiously

Meanwhile, Adonis has been sitting with a peculiar look on his face. As Soumy and Eb lighty banter, he gets up and stands at the fireplace.

‘I think I wanna be done with blogging. I mean, damn, do you really care about an 18-year-old kid who still lives with his family, feels trapped, subconsciously holds himself back from the new experiences that he says he wants so badly in life, smokes like a chimney, drinks like a fish, feels pressured to make a monogamous relationship work, can't make a monogamous relationship work because he's so fucked up in the head that he either takes it too fast or doesn't let the girl know when she's taking it too fast, wants so much more in life to the point that he's gained a slight addiction to playing the lottery weekly, ostracises himself from his friends so that he can get it all together and feels like he's 38 all the while doing it? Sorta...? kinda...? Didn't think so.’

His rant raises a few eyebrows, but no one makes a sound. He walks across the living room, climbing over Jinta and Niga who look stunned and proceeds to storm out. I get up and rush after him.

And this, my friends, is why I don’t write about myself,’ James jokingly adds.


Jazzy said...

LOL! Luv Tubby's line at the end! You seem to have nailed Jam's part...especially that repeat after me portion.

I'm gonna have my people call your people about getting me some more exposure on these though!

Desy said...

oh don't worry... part 2 is already in creation and your recent post was just what i needed...

Jameil said...

yes, you have nailed me. lol. i was crackin up on repeat after me. not sayin no names but i would not be captive in the room with some of these people if you captured their personalities like you captured mine. i would say my piece and get up and roll out. if i came at all.

who? said...

like the way you made me so mad... captured the essence perfectly... lol

Jameil was too funny w/ the repeat after her. I did that maybe once and my blog was literally brand new, so... fuck it.

dejanae said...

u know ima need some more lines right?

kit von b. said...

lmao @ deja...

can't waot for pt 2!!!!!!!!!

sheesh. we JUST "met" and you captured my sass to a T! you.are. the.illest.

lmaooooo @ me walking over to the fireplace with my gf.

i loved this post. 1 of the best i've ever read and i'm NOT just sayin that.


Adei von K said...

*eye brow raise*

wow. are you a psych or something? you capture everyone you mention in a few phrases.

1/3 said...

me and charles I love that part LOL

I like how u straight copied and pasted my part but its cool LOL j/k. That is how I feel about blogging lol

Great story and the ending really ties everything together. Desy I hope you do publish some of your work cause you are a great writer:-) i'm serious lol

Desy said...

@j-hahaha. i was forewarned about that, but you have to be part of my blog dialogue. you have some of the best blogger

@adonis- that's what i felt when i read that from you blog, so i had to make sure it was on point when i transferred it over

@deja- i need your blog complaints to upgrade your wordage input on this... so... those are..??

@kb- thank you hun... i'm a studier of people and i took my time with you, so i made sure to get it right...

@stace-lol, i just read through some of your posts and mixed in the things you've written with some things that i created...

@1/3- you arent the only one who was copy pasted... i took things from everyone that i agreed with and placed it in, mixing in some of my own creative sprinkle to have it flow nicely... and how can someone take you serious when you say 'lol'....haha, but thanks for the compliment.

Eb the Celeb said...

I love it... but dang... why I always gotta be the

I am the partier... next time I want to get some kettle one poppin and some music on with some booty

James Tubman said...

very funny lol

gotta keep them guessing

slowly coming out of my shell though

i'm from b-more so if you watch the wire you can get a sense of why i act like that sometimes lol

you really make the characters come alive desy

thank you for continuously expressing your talent

Rashan Jamal said...

Damn, direct quotes and stuff. You did your research with this one. Part two, when? Monday, Tuesday?

You ain't slick for "thats not the question you should be asking." LOL I know what that means.

dejanae said...

i got u on that tomorrow

Charles said...

Whats up!! I see you take lines from people directly...doin the homework on this one. Good stuff. There's gonna be more, right??

Eve said...

i am a first time visitor to this blog. and i dont hate what i have read so far.

soumynona said...

I am impressed and I am guilty of not revealing too too much...on the surface that is. I love how you have 20 actor/directors - you've started your personal "Create your own ending" fiction novel series. LOL

Desy said...

@eb- i don't know... there's just something about your blog that makes me think you would dip into a little (fact or fiction?)

@james- well, i don't mind the shell... i like hard work... the fruits of that labor are far more gratifying

@rj *sheepish grin* why whatever do you mean

@deja- kewl, i'll keep an eye out

@charles... yep; but you'll probably miss it since you only blog once a

@eve- welcome- glad u don't hate it...

@soumy- hahaha, everyone wants input... so they need to write so i can borrow

i.can't.complain. said...

that sounds just like canon

i hope he doesnt quit on us

lol at the people who come 2 publicize their blog.

all apart of the game, i guess


*going to the help section to learn how 2 remove the word verification*